Umbrella Companies | Latest News


The latest news affecting umbrella companies in the UK. Featuring HMRC, the Agency Workers Directive, the 2003 Agency Regulations, and IR35.

Official government guidance: Working through an umbrella company

Official government guidance: Working through an umbrella company

The government has released some guidance online designed to help contractors, freelancers and agency workers who may require the services of an umbrella company. ‘Working through an umbrella company’ is a short piece of text (estimate 5-minute read) that will help cover the basics of umbrella payroll and provides you …

Official government guidance: Working through an umbrella company » Read the full story

What are the disadvantages of using an umbrella company?

What are the disadvantages of using an umbrella company?

Before this article, we wrote a short piece about the advantages of using umbrella companies. Now, we wanted to look at the other side and write another blog – this time focusing on the disadvantages of using an umbrella company. Keep reading to find out more. Not the most tax-efficient …

What are the disadvantages of using an umbrella company? » Read the full story

What are the benefits of using an umbrella company?

What are the benefits of using an umbrella company?

In this short article, we’re going to highlight some of the key benefits of using an umbrella company for your payroll. Umbrella companies are often unfairly scrutinised, so we wanted to clarify to our readers that there are plenty of advantages to using them. Keep reading to find out more. …

What are the benefits of using an umbrella company? » Read the full story

Check Out Our Free Umbrella Company Guide

Check out our free umbrella company guide written for contractors, freelancers and agency workers

As umbrella companies experience demand like never before, we wanted to create an easy-to-understand guide for contractors, freelancers and agency workers. Umbrella companies are pretty straightforward once you get your head around them. However, first-time umbrella company users are almost certainly going to have numerous questions about how they work. …

Check out our free umbrella company guide written for contractors, freelancers and agency workers » Read the full story

Don't believe umbrella company bad press – 11 facts about umbrella companies

Don’t believe umbrella company bad press – 11 facts about umbrella companies

Umbrella companies are often portrayed negatively by third party organisations who have a vendetta against the government for implementing changes to off-payroll legislation. As a result, umbrella companies are frequently being made a scapegoat. Don’t believe everything you read. Here are eleven facts about umbrella companies. They operate PAYE Compliant …

Don’t believe umbrella company bad press – 11 facts about umbrella companies » Read the full story

How To Report A Non-Compliant Umbrella Company

How to report a non-compliant umbrella company

Thankfully, most UK-based umbrella companies are compliant with HMRC rules and regulations and have their employees’ best interests at heart. However, a few let down the industry and operate non-compliantly. Here is how to report a non-compliant umbrella company to the UK’s leading professional bodies (the FCSA and Professional Passport) …

How to report a non-compliant umbrella company » Read the full story

Should You Bother Switching Umbrella Companies?

Should you bother switching umbrella companies?

Amazingly, there are over 500 umbrella companies in the UK. Therefore, there is plenty of choice for contractors and freelancers when choosing a company for their payroll. However, if you find a better deal elsewhere, or your current umbrella company is performing disappointingly, should you bother switching umbrella companies? We’ll …

Should you bother switching umbrella companies? » Read the full story

A Quick Look At Disguised Remuneration

A quick look at disguised remuneration

We recently wrote an article about the Labour Market Intermediaries report by the LITRG. The report includes some essential information on disguised remuneration, and we wanted to focus an article on this topic for the benefit of our readers. Keep reading to find out more about disguised remuneration and the associated …

A quick look at disguised remuneration » Read the full story

Accrued Poliday Pay – How It Should Be Paid To Umbrella Company Contractors

Accrued holiday pay – how umbrella companies should pay it to contractors

The integrity of umbrella companies has again been brought into question by third party stakeholders who are not impressed with the industry’s state. Most recently, it’s alleged an FCSA accredited umbrella company has been withholding accrued holiday pay from their employees and keeping it for themselves. We don’t know the …

Accrued holiday pay – how umbrella companies should pay it to contractors » Read the full story

Labour Market Intermediaries: LITRG publish 149-page report on umbrella companies

Labour Market Intermediaries: LITRG publish 149-page report on umbrella companies

As the countdown for off-payroll changes in the private sector draws ever closer, the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG), part of the Chartered Institute of Taxation, has released a 149-page report covering umbrella companies. The report makes for some interesting reading, and we recommend our readers take a look. …

Labour Market Intermediaries: LITRG publish 149-page report on umbrella companies » Read the full story

Using an umbrella company when inside IR35

Using an umbrella company when inside IR35

If you find yourself inside IR35, you may decide that the best option for your payroll is an umbrella company – and you’d probably be right. However, you must understand how umbrella companies work, and how IR35 legislation is changing the way contractors are being paid. Keep reading and discover …

Using an umbrella company when inside IR35 » Read the full story

Is it worth your time requesting multiple umbrella company calculations?

Is it worth your time requesting multiple umbrella company calculations?

Due to upcoming legislation changes, more and more contractors are considering using an umbrella company for their payroll. However, is it worth your time requesting multiple umbrella company calculations? Keep reading and find out more. Background to umbrella companies Umbrella companies are an excellent payroll choice for contractors who find …

Is it worth your time requesting multiple umbrella company calculations? » Read the full story

Is It Easy To Join An Umbrella Company?

Is it easy to join an umbrella company?

There has been a noticeable rise in demand for umbrella companies – especially since HMRC introduced changes to off-payroll in the public sector (IR35) in 2017. Now that similar changes are coming to the private sector, umbrella companies have never been in such high demand! If you’re new to umbrella …

Is it easy to join an umbrella company? » Read the full story

8 Useful Questions To Ask Your Umbrella Company

8 useful questions to ask your umbrella company

Before completing the registration process, it’s a good idea to write a list of questions to ask your umbrella company. If you’re happy with their responses, you should have nothing to worry about and can move forward with confidence. However, if you have concerns – shop around and use another …

8 useful questions to ask your umbrella company » Read the full story

Umbrella Company Insurance: What Is Included When You Register?

Umbrella Company Insurance: What Is Included When You Register?

One of the benefits of using an umbrella company is the free insurance cover that is included. In many cases, contractors must be insured, or else their end-hirer won’t allow them to work on an assignment. We discuss the most common umbrella company insurance policies that are included when you …

Umbrella Company Insurance: What Is Included When You Register? » Read the full story

How to identify genuine umbrella company special offers

As more and more contractors shop around the umbrella company market looking for a payroll provider, we wanted to help out and share our knowledge on umbrella company special offers. Some umbrellas are offering excellent, legitimate deals for new clients. However, others are deliberately being misleading and unethical in their …

How to identify genuine umbrella company special offers » Read the full story

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