Umbrella Companies | Latest News


The latest news affecting umbrella companies in the UK. Featuring HMRC, the Agency Workers Directive, the 2003 Agency Regulations, and IR35.

Who is the FCSA, and why does FCSA accreditation mean so much to its members?

Who is the FCSA, and why does FCSA accreditation mean so much to its members?

Throughout our website, we reiterate how important it is that contractors and freelancers only use compliant umbrella companies for their payroll. And, we frequently mention that using an FCSA accredited umbrella company is a great idea! But who is the FCSA (Freelancer & Contractor Services Association), and why are we …

Who is the FCSA, and why does FCSA accreditation mean so much to its members? » Read the full story

What is Pay as You Earn PAYE

What is Pay as You Earn (PAYE)?

If you’re using an umbrella company for your payroll, or you’re considering it, you should already know what Pay as You Earn (PAYE) is. However, if you’re not, or you’d like a friendly reminder – keep reading! We’ll cover the basics. What is PAYE? Pay as You Earn, or usually …

What is Pay as You Earn (PAYE)? » Read the full story

Your Umbrella Company Does Not Decide How Much You Are Deducted HMRC Does

Your Umbrella Company Does Not Decide How Much You Are Deducted – HMRC Does

Time and time again we hear “why is my umbrella taking so much of my money” or “my pay is too low through this umbrella, I want to find out what I can get through another one”. Sadly this is a misunderstanding, and tax avoidance schemes are to blame. They …

Your Umbrella Company Does Not Decide How Much You Are Deducted – HMRC Does » Read the full story

The warning signs of a tax avoidance scheme

The warning signs of a tax avoidance scheme

Using an umbrella company is a simple, hassle-free way to get paid as a contractor, and the majority of umbrella companies operate in a compliant fashion. Unfortunately, there are a few unscrupulous tax avoidance schemes that disguise themselves as umbrella companies, and using one of these could land you in …

The warning signs of a tax avoidance scheme » Read the full story

Useful tips for limited company contractors who may need to use an umbrella company in 2021

Changes to off-payroll in the private sector are set to roll out in April 2021. They may be a year late, but they’re coming! It’s expected that several limited company contractors may find themselves inside IR35 at some point in the future, and as a result, umbrella companies may see …

Useful tips for limited company contractors who may need to use an umbrella company in 2021 » Read the full story

Are there any benefits of using an umbrella company

Are there any benefits to using an umbrella company?

We all like to get a return on our investments – a return that leaves us with the satisfying feeling of having received value for money. But what about umbrella companies? It’s no secret that limited company contractors who are told they’re inside IR35 are likely to see a reduction …

Are there any benefits to using an umbrella company? » Read the full story

Mini Umbrella Companies (MUC) Giving Industry Bad Name

“Mini umbrella companies” (MUC) are the latest thing to try and give the marketplace a bad name

A majority of umbrella companies are compliant, but it only takes one or two non-compliant providers to come to light to give the marketplace a bad name. Well, it’s happened again. And it’s really annoyed us. We’re not going to announce the names of the irresponsible providers that are responsible, …

“Mini umbrella companies” (MUC) are the latest thing to try and give the marketplace a bad name » Read the full story

Limited VS Umbrella Which Option Should You Choose FI

Limited vs umbrella: which option should you choose?

Contracting through a limited company has many benefits, with the most obvious being the tax advantages for those who are outside IR35. However, using an umbrella company has its advantages too! We’re going to investigate both options so that we can help you decide which one is best for your …

Limited vs umbrella: which option should you choose? » Read the full story

HMRC release corporate report that discusses marketed tax avoidance schemes

HMRC issue warning in new corporate report covering marketed tax avoidance schemes – “please be vigilant”

A report published on the 26th November 2020 by HMRC discusses marketed tax avoidance schemes, and it makes for some fascinating reading. Entitled ‘Use of marketed tax avoidance schemes in the UK’, HMRC cover the size of the UK’s tax avoidance market, promoters of tax avoidance schemes, and what HMRC …

HMRC issue warning in new corporate report covering marketed tax avoidance schemes – “please be vigilant” » Read the full story

What do changes to off-payroll in the private sector mean for limited company contractors

What do changes to off-payroll (IR35) in the private sector mean for limited company contractors?

Changes to off-payroll in the private sector were scheduled to roll out in April 2020. However, after one of the most stressful and unpredictable years of all time, the amendments were put on hold for 12 months (Coronavirus pandemic). Despite a few rumours that the legislation changes will be postponed …

What do changes to off-payroll (IR35) in the private sector mean for limited company contractors? » Read the full story

Getting the most out of an umbrella company calculator

Getting the most out of an umbrella company calculator

Whether you’re new to contracting or you’ve been doing it for donkey’s years, you’re probably keen to get an accurate indication of your take home pay before starting an assignment. And, as we’re dedicated to helping the UK’s temporary workforce understand all-things umbrella – we thought it’d be really useful …

Getting the most out of an umbrella company calculator » Read the full story

Umbrella Company Deductions

Understanding Umbrella Company Deductions [Sponsored Editorial]

The following editorial has been written for by Umbrella Company UK – an FCSA accredited umbrella company. Umbrella company deductions are single handily the cause for most confusion to contractors and freelancers – and it’s no surprise. While using an umbrella company is very similar to permanent employment (PAYE), …

Understanding Umbrella Company Deductions [Sponsored Editorial] » Read the full story

Do you need to complete a personal tax return when using an umbrella company?

If you use an umbrella company, do you need to submit a personal tax return?

An interesting question – and one that is regularly asked online by umbrella company employees. The short answer is that it depends entirely on your personal circumstances. If your only source of income is paid to you via an umbrella company (PAYE) – you don’t need to submit a personal …

If you use an umbrella company, do you need to submit a personal tax return? » Read the full story

Conducting an umbrella company comparison

The right way to conduct an umbrella company comparison

Do you fancy yourself as a bit of a Sherlock Holmes when it comes to identifying a deal? We certainly don’t blame you if you do! When it comes to looking for an umbrella company, we suggest you make a real effort comparing the providers out there. We’ve put a …

The right way to conduct an umbrella company comparison » Read the full story

How to shop around for an umbrella company deal

How to properly shop around for an umbrella company deal

Everyone likes a bargain! As a result, you should absolutely look for an attractive deal from an umbrella company. After all – the umbrella market is pretty competitive due to the rising number of providers. And as a result, there are some super offers out there! Keep reading and we’ll …

How to properly shop around for an umbrella company deal » Read the full story

How do umbrella companies work?

How do umbrella companies work?

If you are new to contracting, have never used an umbrella company before, or are a director of a limited company, the workings of umbrella payroll may seem confusing. Working through an umbrella company is by far the easiest way to operate as a contractor. Unlike working through a limited …

How do umbrella companies work? » Read the full story

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