inside ir35 Archives | Umbrella Companies

inside ir35

Contractor Guide - An overview of IR35 legislation and the off-payroll working rules

Contractor Guide – An overview of IR35 legislation and the off-payroll working rules

An overview of the off-payroll working restrictions and IR35 A section of tax legislation known as IR35 went into effect across the United Kingdom in April 2000 and aims to differentiate between contractors who operate as legitimate self-employed businesses (via a limited company often referred to as a personal service …

Contractor Guide – An overview of IR35 legislation and the off-payroll working rules » Read the full story

A government department fails to interpret IR35 correctly and faces an £87.9 million tax bill

A government department fails to interpret IR35 correctly and faces an £87.9 million tax bill

More IR35 confusion has come to light, this time from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). A review into the DWP’s IR35 compliance has unveiled an £87.9 million payment to HMRC. This payment is a result of years of inaccurate IR35 employment status assessments of contractors. IR35 is complex, …

A government department fails to interpret IR35 correctly and faces an £87.9 million tax bill » Read the full story

How does IR35 apply when working through an umbrella company?

How does IR35 apply when working through an umbrella company?

If you’re a contractor, freelancer or temporary worker, you should be up to speed with IR35 and how it works. However, regardless of your IR35 status, you may not be familiar with umbrella companies and how IR35 will apply should you use one at some point in the future. This …

How does IR35 apply when working through an umbrella company? » Read the full story

It’s not the umbrella company’s fault you’re inside IR35!

It’s not the umbrella company’s fault you’re inside IR35!

We’ve noticed a lot of contractors moaning about their umbrella company because of pay retention. Nobody wants to lose large chunks of their income in taxes, but unfortunately, we all have to contribute to society. It’s not the umbrella company’s fault you’re inside IR35, and we’ll explain more in this …

It’s not the umbrella company’s fault you’re inside IR35! » Read the full story

What are the disadvantages of using an umbrella company?

What are the disadvantages of using an umbrella company?

Before this article, we wrote a short piece about the advantages of using umbrella companies. Now, we wanted to look at the other side and write another blog – this time focusing on the disadvantages of using an umbrella company. Keep reading to find out more. Not the most tax-efficient …

What are the disadvantages of using an umbrella company? » Read the full story

Using an umbrella company when inside IR35

Using an umbrella company when inside IR35

If you find yourself inside IR35, you may decide that the best option for your payroll is an umbrella company – and you’d probably be right. However, you must understand how umbrella companies work, and how IR35 legislation is changing the way contractors are being paid. Keep reading and discover …

Using an umbrella company when inside IR35 » Read the full story

Why Use An Umbrella Company?

Why use an umbrella company?

Umbrella companies are growing in demand as a result of the impending changes to off-payroll in the private sector (IR35) legislation. However, thousands of contractors who are used to contracting through a personal service company may be asking ‘why use an umbrella company?’ The following tips should help. Easy alternative …

Why use an umbrella company? » Read the full story

The Umbrella Company Checklist For Contractors Inside IR35

The Umbrella Company Checklist For Contractors Inside IR35

If you take on an assignment inside IR35, you may decide that you’re better off using an umbrella company for your payroll. After all, if you’re a limited company contractor– you won’t be able to pay yourself with a combination of dividends and salary because the fee-payer will make deductions …

The Umbrella Company Checklist For Contractors Inside IR35 » Read the full story

Are You Familiar With Status Determination Statements (SDS)?

Are you familiar with Status Determination Statements (SDS)?

If you’re contracting with a personal service company (PSC) in the private sector, you should be familiar with Status Determination Statements (SDS). However, if you’re not, we’ll provide a quick snapshot for you. After all, we’re not just here to advise contractors looking at umbrella companies! We want to assist …

Are you familiar with Status Determination Statements (SDS)? » Read the full story

Useful tips for limited company contractors who may need to use an umbrella company in 2021

Changes to off-payroll in the private sector are set to roll out in April 2021. They may be a year late, but they’re coming! It’s expected that several limited company contractors may find themselves inside IR35 at some point in the future, and as a result, umbrella companies may see …

Useful tips for limited company contractors who may need to use an umbrella company in 2021 » Read the full story

Are there any benefits of using an umbrella company

Are there any benefits to using an umbrella company?

We all like to get a return on our investments – a return that leaves us with the satisfying feeling of having received value for money. But what about umbrella companies? It’s no secret that limited company contractors who are told they’re inside IR35 are likely to see a reduction …

Are there any benefits to using an umbrella company? » Read the full story

What do changes to off-payroll in the private sector mean for limited company contractors

What do changes to off-payroll (IR35) in the private sector mean for limited company contractors?

Changes to off-payroll in the private sector were scheduled to roll out in April 2020. However, after one of the most stressful and unpredictable years of all time, the amendments were put on hold for 12 months (Coronavirus pandemic). Despite a few rumours that the legislation changes will be postponed …

What do changes to off-payroll (IR35) in the private sector mean for limited company contractors? » Read the full story

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