Umbrella Companies | Latest News


The latest news affecting umbrella companies in the UK. Featuring HMRC, the Agency Workers Directive, the 2003 Agency Regulations, and IR35.

Why Use An Umbrella Company?

Why use an umbrella company?

Umbrella companies are growing in demand as a result of the impending changes to off-payroll in the private sector (IR35) legislation. However, thousands of contractors who are used to contracting through a personal service company may be asking ‘why use an umbrella company?’ The following tips should help. Easy alternative …

Why use an umbrella company? » Read the full story

The Umbrella Company Checklist For Contractors Inside IR35

The Umbrella Company Checklist For Contractors Inside IR35

If you take on an assignment inside IR35, you may decide that you’re better off using an umbrella company for your payroll. After all, if you’re a limited company contractor– you won’t be able to pay yourself with a combination of dividends and salary because the fee-payer will make deductions …

The Umbrella Company Checklist For Contractors Inside IR35 » Read the full story

Is It Easy To Switch Between A Limited Company And Umbrella Company?

Is it easy to switch between a limited company and umbrella company?

The answer to this question depends on quite a few circumstances, but in theory – yes. It should be easy for contractors to switch between a limited company and umbrella company. With off-payroll in the private sector (IR35) changes coming into effect from April 2021, we expect several limited company …

Is it easy to switch between a limited company and umbrella company? » Read the full story

What is Supervision, Direction and Control?

What is Supervision, Direction and Control?

Supervision, Direction and Control (SDC) came into effect on 6th April 2016 to limit the number of contractors who were able to claim travel and subsistence expenses. The legislation was introduced because HMRC believed that many contractors working through umbrella companies were taking advantage of tax relief – when they …

What is Supervision, Direction and Control? » Read the full story

What deductions appear on umbrella company payslips?

What deductions appear on umbrella company payslips?

When you’re paid through an umbrella company, you’ll receive a payslip that’ll show similar deductions to an employee in a permanent position. However, there are a few key differences that you need to be aware of. Keep reading and we’ll explain what deductions appear on an umbrella company payslip. Margin …

What deductions appear on umbrella company payslips? » Read the full story

Do umbrella companies offer salary sacrifice?

Do umbrella companies offer salary sacrifice?

There are plenty of ways employees can benefit from salary sacrifice, but the most popular is tax-efficient pension contributions. If you’re prioritising your pension – salary sacrifice may be an awesome way to boost your pot. And, there are some really useful tax-benefits that you may not be aware of. …

Do umbrella companies offer salary sacrifice? » Read the full story

What Are The Umbrella Company Alternatives?

What are the umbrella company alternatives?

Before you begin contracting, one of the first things you need to consider is which business structure you are better suited to. From what everybody ought to know about umbrella companies to the advantages and disadvantages of umbrella companies – we have it all on our website! But what about …

What are the umbrella company alternatives? » Read the full story

Umbrella Company v Agency PAYE: Which Should You Choose?

Umbrella Company v Agency PAYE: Which should you choose?

If your contracts are deemed inside IR35 and you work through a recruitment agency, you’ll probably be given two options for getting paid: umbrella company or agency PAYE. Both payment methods operate in a very similar way. Your payroll and administration will be taken care of – and your income …

Umbrella Company v Agency PAYE: Which should you choose? » Read the full story

Are You Familiar With Status Determination Statements (SDS)?

Are you familiar with Status Determination Statements (SDS)?

If you’re contracting with a personal service company (PSC) in the private sector, you should be familiar with Status Determination Statements (SDS). However, if you’re not, we’ll provide a quick snapshot for you. After all, we’re not just here to advise contractors looking at umbrella companies! We want to assist …

Are you familiar with Status Determination Statements (SDS)? » Read the full story

Late Self-Assessment Tax Returns Will Avoid Fine If Submitted By 28 February, HMRC Confirms

Late self-assessment tax returns will avoid fine if submitted by 28 February, HMRC confirms

To help people cope with the pressure of the pandemic and the confusions it’s bought to the UK, HMRC has confirmed taxpayers now have until the 28 February 2021 to submit their 2019/20 tax returns – to avoid a penalty. However, it’s still advisable to meet the end of January …

Late self-assessment tax returns will avoid fine if submitted by 28 February, HMRC confirms » Read the full story

What Are The Benefits Of Using An FCSA Accredited Umbrella Company?

What are the benefits of using an FCSA accredited umbrella company?

There are masses of umbrella companies out there! With so many to choose from, how do you know which one is best? We recommend you look for an FCSA accredited umbrella and then make your decision from there. It’s a great way to start your search. But you may be …

What are the benefits of using an FCSA accredited umbrella company? » Read the full story

10 facts about using a contractor umbrella company

10 facts about using a contractor umbrella company

If you’re interested in using a contractor umbrella company for your payroll, but aren’t sure how they work, you’ve found the right article! Here are 10 facts about umbrella companies. How many of the following were you already aware of? Firstly, we must make it clear – the following facts …

10 facts about using a contractor umbrella company » Read the full story

How Brexit Affects Right to Work (RTW) Checks for Umbrella Companies

How Brexit Affects Right to Work (RTW) Checks for Umbrella Companies

Brexit has finally happened and the UK left the European Union at the turn of the New Year. As a result, we thought an article on How Brexit Affects Right to Work (RTW) Checks for Umbrella Companies would come in really useful. Umbrella companies are employers, and like every employer …

How Brexit Affects Right to Work (RTW) Checks for Umbrella Companies » Read the full story

The FCSA fights for contingent workers in response to lockdown #3

The FCSA fights for contingent workers in response to lockdown #3

Nobody wanted a third lockdown, but after the rising numbers of coronavirus cases and associated deaths, the government was left with very little choice. And, to the governments credit, they have provided several support packages for businesses and workers to help keep the impact of lockdown number three to a …

The FCSA fights for contingent workers in response to lockdown #3 » Read the full story

How to identify the worst umbrella companies in the marketplace

How to identify the worst umbrella companies in the marketplace

Our website is full of useful information to help contractors and freelancers identify the UK’s best umbrella companies. However, we haven’t dedicated an article that explains how to identify the worst umbrella companies. Therefore, we’ve collated 9 points that we think you need to be aware of. Whatever you do …

How to identify the worst umbrella companies in the marketplace » Read the full story

What to look for from an umbrella company in 2021

What to look for from an umbrella company in 2021

With upcoming changes to off-payroll legislation looming, more and more contractors and freelancers are likely to require an umbrella company’s services. However, with hundreds of providers in the UK, what should you look for from an umbrella company in 2021? Keep reading, and we’ll explain the most important factors to …

What to look for from an umbrella company in 2021 » Read the full story

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