Umbrella Companies | Latest News


The latest news affecting umbrella companies in the UK. Featuring HMRC, the Agency Workers Directive, the 2003 Agency Regulations, and IR35.

Freelancing – a Den of Inequality and Exploitation?

So, you may have noticed that we’ve not written much about the new intern these past few weeks here at UCHQ. She’s still here, leaving on the dot of 5 o’clock and pretending to research things on her phone (coincidentally, we’re not on Instagram, where we spot her frequently browsing). …

Freelancing – a Den of Inequality and Exploitation? » Read the full story

Another Month, Another IR35 Twist in the Tail

News is reaching us here at a rainy UCHQ that the Government may be set for a few more fireworks than even Guy Fawkes managed way back in 1605. Voice of many, Contractor UK, has summoned the troops in the form of a group of other contractor allies, and has …

Another Month, Another IR35 Twist in the Tail » Read the full story

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