Demand begins to outstrip contractor availability in the UK
Looks like that slippery slope is steeper than we thought: more research findings are indicating that the demand for contractors is outstripping availability.
The latest news affecting umbrella companies in the UK. Featuring HMRC, the Agency Workers Directive, the 2003 Agency Regulations, and IR35.
Looks like that slippery slope is steeper than we thought: more research findings are indicating that the demand for contractors is outstripping availability.
While vacancies for freelancers and umbrella company contractors might be growing by leaps and bounds, contractor availability is starting to dwindle.
Industry experts are predicting a banner year for any freelancers or umbrella company contractors involved in the IT sector after the results of one report.
It’s finally happened: the 20,000th Start Up Loan has been handed out by the Government, and all this funding in the hands of SMEs is good news for contractors.
The Professional Contractors Group has confirmed that pay rates for freelancers and umbrella company contractors are on the increase.
The talent gap int he UK is worsening, the Recruitment and Employment Confederation says, based on its newest research survey results.
Well the jury is no longer out on how much growth the flexible working sector has undergone lately. In fact, you might not believe these new research findings!
Whether you work around the clock or it just feels like you do, it might be time for a break – and this year more Brits are enjoying their summer holidays.
The Recruitment and Employment Confederation says that employers are courting freelancers and umbrella company contractors with increased pay rates.
The Association of Professional Staffing Companies has been chuffed to bits lately on the back of new research that says everyone loves using contract workers.
The Conservatives are courting freelancers and umbrella company contractors by breaking news that a future Conservative government may overhaul the tax system.
The House of Lords Select Committee has just issued some rather choice words on the Government’s recent personal service company consultation response.
With reports surfacing that the oil and gas sector may soon be hurting for staff, new initiatives to increase the number of female workers are going forward.
Thanks to an aging workforce that’s rapidly approaching retirement the oil and gas sector is in search of new blood, but it’s having a hard time finding that.
When the Recruitment & Employment Confederation speaks, people listen – and the REC says that the next quarter will be a good one for contract workers.
If you work in London as a freelancer or umbrella company contractor in the information technology field, prepare for a massive boom going forward.