Over 6 Million Self Employed in UK
The boom time for self employment is right now as recent figures show that over 6 million people in the UK are now working for themselves.
The latest news affecting umbrella companies in the UK. Featuring HMRC, the Agency Workers Directive, the 2003 Agency Regulations, and IR35.
The boom time for self employment is right now as recent figures show that over 6 million people in the UK are now working for themselves.
A new report found that 1 in 10 callers to HMRC HQ never reach an operator. That is 4 million Brits ignored last year.
Something we have mentioned on this blog quite a bit is AI…robots…”The Machines.” Why? Because they are expected to take over.
What is the biggest problem facing our nations self employed right now in 2018? The answer is…”mobile reception” according to a survey.
Working for yourself is a great experience. You are the boss. What isn’t great is when you don’t get paid. Nobody likes that.
If you are a self employed worker who didn’t care about getting in your tax return by 31st January…get ready for a shock.
What happens if you can’t find any gigs and are generally struggling to make any money in the gig economy? You get £490 into your bank account.
Contractors in the public sector have been caught up in the IR35 madness recently, but could they soon be out of a job completely? Perhaps…
It was only a few years ago that your chance of being accepted for a self employed mortgage were slim to none. “REJECTED,” was the one word answer.
What would you do if you caught a pickpocket trying to sneakily pull £344 in cash out of your pocket? Turn round and punch him, maybe.
In a world where saving for your pension is considered “normal,” many self employed workers are raging against it.
The whole IR35 thing is controversial, we know that, but the IR35 online assessment tool on HMRC website is there to make things easier.
Being a television star is mostly about glitz and glamour, but when you are hauled in the interview room at HMRC HQ, then not so much.
Who are the best people in your corner when you want parental leave for the self employed? Pop singers and soap stars of course. Who else?
Most contractors have to hire an accountant to do their books and taxes. What if you didn’t have to do that though…what then?
While BBC presenters might be earning a nice bit of change (all thanks to the licence payers), that hasn’t stopped the IR35 crackdown.