Umbrella Companies | Latest News


The latest news affecting umbrella companies in the UK. Featuring HMRC, the Agency Workers Directive, the 2003 Agency Regulations, and IR35.

Does The Government Endorse Umbrella Companies?

Does the government endorse umbrella companies?

Umbrella companies are experiencing demand like never before – due to recent changes in IR35 legislation (especially off-payroll in the private sector). However, with hundreds of thousands of workers requiring the services of umbrella companies to manage their payroll, does the government endorse umbrella companies? Keep reading, and we’ll answer …

Does the government endorse umbrella companies? » Read the full story

Is There A Tie In Period With An Umbrella Company?

Is there a tie in period with an umbrella company?

One common question that some temporary workers have regarding umbrella companies is whether or not there is a tie-in period with their services. We’ll answer this question below. However, in short – no. There is not a tie-in period with an umbrella company, assuming they’re compliant. Keep reading to find …

Is there a tie in period with an umbrella company? » Read the full story

Why do we only feature 10 umbrella companies and not all of them?

We’ve recently received a comment from a reader who was curious why we only feature 10 umbrella companies on our website and not all of them. The comment also labelled as a “pretty worthless site”, and the reader questioned the integrity of the umbrella company sector. We wanted to …

Why do we only feature 10 umbrella companies and not all of them? » Read the full story

Umbrella company complaints – what is fair, and what is fussy?

Umbrella company complaints – what is fair, and what is fussy?

Unsurprisingly, umbrella companies are frequently subjected to complaints. After all, payroll is something that you always want to run smoothly! However, while some umbrella companies may be acting inefficiently, others are subjected to complaints that aren’t justified. This article will look at some of the most frequent complaints we’ve come …

Umbrella company complaints – what is fair, and what is fussy? » Read the full story

UK job vacancies on the rise as economy shows signs of coronavirus recovery

UK job vacancies on the rise as economy shows signs of coronavirus recovery

The latest figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) are very positive and show that the UK’s economy is bouncing back from the coronavirus pandemic. The important figures are moving in the right direction, including a growing number of vacancies, a declining unemployment rate and a growth in wages. …

UK job vacancies on the rise as economy shows signs of coronavirus recovery » Read the full story

Can You Use Salary Sacrifice With Umbrella Companies?

Can you use salary sacrifice with umbrella companies?

Salary sacrifice isn’t for everyone. However, it can be an excellent way for employees to boost their earnings in a tax-efficient manner. This article sets out to answer the most common questions on salary sacrifice with umbrella companies. Keep reading to find out more. Do umbrella companies offer salary sacrifice? …

Can you use salary sacrifice with umbrella companies? » Read the full story

TUC Calls For Umbrella Companies To Be Banned

TUC calls for umbrella companies to be banned

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) has recently requested that the government bans all umbrella companies in the UK due to malpractice and “inadequate regulations”. There is no doubt that some umbrellas have acted unethically, and this has tainted the industry. However, banning all umbrella companies would be an incomprehensible over-reaction …

TUC calls for umbrella companies to be banned » Read the full story

A government department fails to interpret IR35 correctly and faces an £87.9 million tax bill

A government department fails to interpret IR35 correctly and faces an £87.9 million tax bill

More IR35 confusion has come to light, this time from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). A review into the DWP’s IR35 compliance has unveiled an £87.9 million payment to HMRC. This payment is a result of years of inaccurate IR35 employment status assessments of contractors. IR35 is complex, …

A government department fails to interpret IR35 correctly and faces an £87.9 million tax bill » Read the full story

Umbrella company pensions in a snapshot

Umbrella company pensions in a snapshot

When you join an umbrella company, you must understand how umbrella company pensions work – so you don’t end up contributing when you didn’t intend to. This article will look into umbrella company pensions and how they work. Hopefully, this blog covers all bases! Umbrella companies are legally required to …

Umbrella company pensions in a snapshot » Read the full story

How do umbrella companies process the payroll of employees?

How do umbrella companies process the payroll of employees?

Umbrella companies exist to process the payroll of employees, but how do they do this? This article will provide a short overview of how umbrella companies work – with an emphasis on how umbrella companies process the payroll of employees. We hope you find it useful! PAYE Pay As You …

How do umbrella companies process the payroll of employees? » Read the full story

Churchill Knight Umbrella Is Open To The Idea Of Industry-Wide Umbrella Company Regulations

Churchill Knight Umbrella is open to the idea of industry-wide umbrella company regulations [Sponsored Editorial]

The following editorial has been written for by Churchill Knight Umbrella – an FCSA accredited umbrella company. Recently, umbrella companies have been under fire in the news, most notably with the developments associated with mini umbrella company (MUC) fraud. While most umbrella companies (including Churchill Knight Umbrella) operate in …

Churchill Knight Umbrella is open to the idea of industry-wide umbrella company regulations [Sponsored Editorial] » Read the full story

Umbrella Company Fees – Everything You Need To Know

Umbrella company fees – everything you need to know

With the recent rise in demand for umbrella companies, thousands of contractors are searching for information regarding umbrella company fees. We’ll summarise everything you need to know about umbrella company fees, allowing you to move forward with your umbrella company search with complete peace of mind. The umbrella company margin …

Umbrella company fees – everything you need to know » Read the full story

10 tips to take on board before joining an umbrella company

10 tips to take on board before joining an umbrella company

Before joining an umbrella company, there are plenty of things you should check. This article will provide you with 10 helpful tips to help you choose an umbrella company you can trust, and one that’ll provide you with an efficient payroll service. Request a take home pay calculation Umbrella companies …

10 tips to take on board before joining an umbrella company » Read the full story

The FCSA updates Codes of Compliance

The FCSA updates Codes of Compliance

The FCSA is the UK’s most recognised professional body dedicated to ensuring the supply chain of temporary workers is compliant with UK tax law. In response to recent market activities, the FCSA has updated its Codes of Compliance. Keep reading, and we’ll explain more. Why has the FCSA updated its …

The FCSA updates Codes of Compliance » Read the full story

When should you consider leaving an umbrella company?

When should you consider leaving an umbrella company?

Are you currently using the services of an umbrella company that over-promised and is under-delivering? While some excellent umbrellas are out there, some could benefit from an overhaul in customer service. Our latest blog will help you decide when you should consider leaving an umbrella company. We hope you find …

When should you consider leaving an umbrella company? » Read the full story

The Correct Way To Make An Umbrella Company Comparison

The correct way to make an umbrella company comparison

If you’re looking for a PAYE payroll company, it’s natural that you’ll want to make an umbrella company comparison and then choose the one you like the most. However, with over 500 umbrella companies to choose from, how do you know what makes a good umbrella company? Also, are you …

The correct way to make an umbrella company comparison » Read the full story

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