Time for manufacturing contractors to find new hobbies
If you feel like you don[t have enough free time to pursue your hobbies, you’ll be jealous to hear that manufacturing contractors have shedloads of free time.
The latest news affecting umbrella companies in the UK. Featuring HMRC, the Agency Workers Directive, the 2003 Agency Regulations, and IR35.
If you feel like you don[t have enough free time to pursue your hobbies, you’ll be jealous to hear that manufacturing contractors have shedloads of free time.
Tell us something we don’t already know: a new survey from an industry body says that umbrella companies and other interim service providers run the economy.
You’re quite lucky if you’re a freelancer or an umbrella contractor working in the media or information technology fields in the current day and age!
So here’s some pleasant news: it turns out that the offshore oil and gas sector is booming as evidenced by the sheer demand for skilled workers at the moment.
Much has been said about UK austerity measures and how it harms the economy, but freelancers and contract workers may benefit from it believe it or not!
If you’re an interim worker, you’re probably already busier than a three-armed man in a hand-shaking contest – but things are about to get much busier.
This will be no surprise to anyone currently working within it, but the oil and gas sector may be the best hope for the UK contracting marketplace.
Well it’s about time we got some good news: the Office for National statistics says that the economic situation for a good number of Brits is on the increase.
The economy may be in an overall shambles for many people, but freelancers and umbrella company contractors working in the IT field wouldn’t know it.
While most umbrella company contractors and freelance workers are already having a brilliant time, the rest of the UK jobs market may be growing soon.
Hold on to your hats – the nation’s army of self-employed workers may soon have its ranks swell with younger Brits, according to one recent research study.
I know you’ve been waiting for this: the Association of Professional Staffing Companies says you’re all no longer abnormal freaks of nature!
Rumour has it that umbrella company workers may soon be able to benefit from an increase in recruitment opportunities quite soon indeed.
It hasn’t been long since the new umbrella contractor trade industry body known as All Umbrella Companies Are Equal has launched, but i’s making serious waves.
You may think that only large firms and multinationals need to worry about things such as cyber security, but even contractors need to be aware of the dangers!
Rumour has it that employers from the oil and gas sector are so hard up for permanent employees that they’re raiding the ranks of the nation’s contractors.