Business Secretary to outlaw exclusive zero hour contracts?
Well I can’t believe my eyes on this one: it could be that soon zero hour contracts will no longer be exclusive, making them open to contractors!
The latest news affecting umbrella companies in the UK. Featuring HMRC, the Agency Workers Directive, the 2003 Agency Regulations, and IR35.
Well I can’t believe my eyes on this one: it could be that soon zero hour contracts will no longer be exclusive, making them open to contractors!
Well here’s a lovely how do you do: turns out that last month, demand for umbrella contractors in Scotland far outstripped the rest of the UK by a wide margin.
One of the biggest advantages contractors have is their flexibility, and a new research study has just offered up even more proof of flexibility’s importance.
A new report has said that the demand for umbrella company contractors with specialised niche skill sets has gone absolutely through the roof recently.
2014 should turn out to be an excellent year for umbrella company contractors, based on latest data pointing to a stable New Year and several months beyond.
Here’s a pleasant bit of news: it turns out that the jobs market in the capital is positively roaring along when it comes to umbrella company contractors.
Whether you’re a freelancer or an umbrella company contractor it’s in your best interest to support Small Business Saturday, says one major industry body.
Well, it’s official: the skills shortage has become a problem for the oil and gas sector. Or at least that’s what one Scottish chamber of commerce says.
Infrastructure projects have exploded across the UK, and it’s most likely going to lead to a huge win for umbrella company contractors looking for more work.
Even with the number of vacancies in the sector in decline, new data shows that the financial services industry is on the move.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall: freelancers and umbrella company contractors in the oil and gas sectors complain that large firms are useless.
How was your job situation eight years ago? Odds are it’;s not nearly as good as it is now, according to the Recruitment and Employment Confederation.
Is the recession over? The number of available job opportunities has hit a miraculous five-year high, according to the Reed Job Index.
Once again, demand for freelancers and umbrella company contractors grew last month, according to the Recruitment and Employment Confederation.
New research has revealed that the information economy has been growing by leaps and bounds – and much of that success is due to the efforts of IT contractors.
Contractors in the information technology field are always in demand, but research has found IT contractors with cloud computing skills are especially needed.