Before you can officially complete your registration with an umbrella company, you will be required to provide them with plenty of personal information, including your name, address and bank account details. This article explains what personal information you need to give an umbrella company to be paid correctly and compliantly.
Firstly, only join an umbrella company if you’re comfortable
It’s true – some agencies or clients will only allow you to be paid through an umbrella company. If you use a compliant umbrella company, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about, and our site is full of helpful information. However, suppose you’re uncomfortable with the idea of using an umbrella company for your payroll. In that case, you might be better off seeking a different role where you can choose an alternative payment method (perhaps agency PAYE – if it’s available).
Registering with an umbrella company
When you register, what personal information do you need to give to an umbrella company? The answer is quite a lot. We’ve summarised the information you will need to provide your umbrella company in the initial sign up process, supported with a brief explanation of why.
About You – As your employer, your umbrella company will need to know personal information about you, including full name, address, contact information (phone number and email address), and more.
National Insurance Number – Your umbrella will need your National Insurance number to legally pay you (PAYE).
Recruitment agency information – If you’re working via an agency, your umbrella company will need to know their details to ensure they can receive your gross pay efficiently.
End client information – If there isn’t an agency in the supply chain, the umbrella will need to correspond directly with your end-client.
Assignment information – Umbrella companies need to know information about your assignment to ensure they pay you correctly. This will include the length of contract, rate of pay, hours per week, etc.
Bank Account – To pay you your salary (PAYE), your umbrella company will need your bank account details. Usually, this will be your banks name, account number and sort code, although additional information may be requested, such as your branches address.
P45/New Starter Checklist – You will need to provide your umbrella company with a valid P45 document to ensure you are put on the correct tax code. If you don’t have a P45 – don’t worry. You can complete an official government document called the Starter checklist for PAYE. Failure to provide either of these documents could result in you being emergency taxed (resulting in reduced pay retention).
Additional documentation to complete the registration process
Once you have provided your umbrella company with the personal information above, you’ll be sent a Contract of Employment to review and sign – once you’re happy. You will also be required to provide your umbrella company with additional documentation to prove your identification and right to work in the UK. Most commonly, a photocopy or photograph of your passport or birth certificate will be acceptable, as well as a copy of your visa or residents permit if you’re not a UK national.
It’s important to note that compliant umbrella companies should store your personal information safely and securely. If you have any concerns about your data, make sure you address these before registering with an umbrella company.
Top 10 umbrella companies
If you’re looking for a reliable and compliant umbrella company you can trust – look no further. We’ve created a list of top 10 umbrella companies, and we recommend you check it out. Not only is every umbrella company in our top 10 accredited by either the Freelancer and Contractor Services Association (FCSA) or Professional Passport, but some have special offers at the moment.