umbrella companies security breach Archives | Umbrella Companies

umbrella companies security breach

Essential Advice: Protecting Your Umbrella Company & Payroll Business From Cyber Security Threats And Hackers

Essential Advice: Protecting Your Umbrella Company & Payroll Business From Cyber Security Threats And Hackers

Okay, so we’re a little late to the party regarding sharing this article. However, we know that many umbrella company representatives visit our website for helpful information and we have decided it would be irresponsible of us not to share this very informative article. Written by the team at My …

Essential Advice: Protecting Your Umbrella Company & Payroll Business From Cyber Security Threats And Hackers » Read the full story

Which umbrella companies and contractor accountants have been hacked or subjected to cyber-attacks?

Which umbrella companies and contractor accountants have been hacked or subjected to cyber-attacks?

The entire umbrella company and contractor accountancy sector has been shaken by multiple cyber security attacks that have had devastating consequences. This article examines the cyber-attacks that have targeted umbrella companies and contractor accountants, including Giant Pay, Brookson, Parasol and SJD Accountancy. September 2021 – Giant Pay On Friday 24th …

Which umbrella companies and contractor accountants have been hacked or subjected to cyber-attacks? » Read the full story

"Key systems" at SJD Accountancy impacted by cyber security incident

“Key systems” at SJD Accountancy impacted by cyber security incident

Another brand under the Optionis Group, SJD Accountancy, has also been hit by cybercriminals. Earlier today, we wrote an article about a similar threat faced by Nixon Williams – contractor accountants within the Optionis Group. Here is what we know. Two Optionis brands, Parasol (umbrella company) and Nixon Williams (contractor …

“Key systems” at SJD Accountancy impacted by cyber security incident » Read the full story

Nixon Williams – another well-known and umbrella company and accountant suffers from a “cyber security incident”

Nixon Williams – another well-known umbrella company and accountant suffers from a “cyber security incident”

2022 has already been a very stressful year for several leading umbrella companies that have been subjected to malicious cyber threats, including Brookson and Parasol. Now, it appears another leading umbrella company and contractor accountant has been targeted by cybercriminals – Nixon Williams. We’ve found an update on the Nixon …

Nixon Williams – another well-known umbrella company and accountant suffers from a “cyber security incident” » Read the full story

The FCSA responds to recent cyber-attacks targetting umbrella companies

The FCSA responds to recent cyber-attacks targetting umbrella companies

Brookson, a leading UK-based umbrella company, had been hit by a cyber-attack this week that’s caused a temporary halt to services. Astonishingly, Brookson is not alone. Parasol, another well-known umbrella, has also been targeted recently, and Giant Pay was heavily impacted by cyber criminals last year. The Freelancer and Contractor …

The FCSA responds to recent cyber-attacks targetting umbrella companies » Read the full story

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