Contractor group sees glass half full over IR35
It had been hoped that a Conservative government would scrap IR35 but it now appears that this may not be the case. A Tory spokesman said last week that this may not be a viable option.
It had been hoped that a Conservative government would scrap IR35 but it now appears that this may not be the case. A Tory spokesman said last week that this may not be a viable option.
According to recent reports in the financial media, Britain’s banks are now approving 80% of small business loan applications, which should come as good news to limited company contractors and sole traders.
In my world, the term “self employed umbrella company” is a tad paradoxical. After all, a traditional PAYE umbrella employs their workers and provides (or should provide) the various benefits commensurate with employment.
The Federation of Small Businesses believes that the complex tax laws in the UK are hampering SMEs’ ability to grow.