Umbrella Companies | Don't stalk your clients - it tends to put them off

Don’t stalk your clients – it tends to put them off

Whether you’re a freelancer working on your own or a contractor working for an umbrella service company, it’s usually bad form to keep in such constant contact with your clients to the point where you’re practically stalking them.

In news that definitely falls under the ‘painfully obvious’ category, freelancing trade body PCG says you shouldn’t hound your clients in order to not look like a desperate girl with a teenage crush. Yes, it’s important to stay in contact with a client when you’re undertaking a project for them, but if you can’t reach them by phone or email after a few attempts, don’t waste any more time on the matter and just get on with the project some other way.

Nobody likes to feel as if they’re getting pestered or stalked, least of all clients. It doesn’t matter how high-quality your work is if your client would rather not work with someone that makes them uncomfortable, so don’t expect other projects or opportunities to come your way from that client, or anyone that client knows: it’s unfortunate, but word travels fast through the grapevine.

The last thing you need is a reputation as the kind of contract worker or freelancer who’s a pain to work with, especially in the current economy. Keep your patience and don’t go overboard with the number of emails or phone calls you make, unless you enjoy the prospect of winding a client up and cutting off what could otherwise be an excellent source of income in the future.

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