Umbrella Companies | Chevron could need new contract workers soon for drilling

Chevron could need new contract workers soon for drilling

Thanks to the Government giving it the green light, Chevron North Sea Ltd may soon put out the call for new contract workers for a new drilling project.

The sea to the west of the Shetland Isles will soon be the home of a new oil drilling platform operated by Chevron after the Department of Energy and Climate Change has reviewed the gas and oil company’s plans, which include enlisting the aid of key umbrella service companies to fill contract worker roles for both the construction and the day-to-day operation of the rig. The well site, which is nearly 1,100 metres deep and is more than 135 kilometres off the coast off the coast, will soon become known as the Cambo-5 well when production begins in the next few months.

John Hayes, energy minister, commented on the new deal, remarking that giving Chevron the green light to develop the field is part and parcel to the government’s overall North Sea gas and oil sector development scheme. The oil and gas industry in the UK is undergoing a resurgence, said Mr Hayes, and the new developmental frontiers for this resurgence are the offshore fields to the west and north of Shetland.

Nearly half of the nation’s energy needs are derived from offshore oil production, the energy minister added. The knock-on effect of this energy production means billions in revenue and hundreds of thousands of jobs, making each and every new proposed development scheme vital to the country’s economic growth, he also said.

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