Umbrella Companies | Steady wages highly desired, new survey says

Steady wages highly desired, new survey says

Turns out umbrella contractors are no different than traditional employees – a new survey found that steady wages are highly desired by temp workers.

Everyone loves income security. It’s a no-brainer, after all, to value the regularity of a stable pay packet. Even individuals who don’t hold down traditional jobs – like freelancers and umbrella contractors – know that income security is an important thing to have. In face, a new research study from Citizens Advice found that an overwhelming 92 per cent of Britain’s workforce think income security is the most important thing when it comes to looking for a new job position.

In fact, the only thing that ranked higher in importance when it came to workers in the UK was the hourly rate. It only edged out income security by a single percentage point, though, as 93 per cent of respondents said it was their top priority. The statistical difference between the two priorities is so small, though, as to essentially be equal in the minds of the UK workforce – and rightly so, if you ask me!

So what else did the job report find out? Well, 84 per cent of respondents said that they felt encourage to seek a job position if it offered good opportunities when it came to experience. A similar 82 per cent said that being passionate about a job position also played a major role in their decision to apply. Still, just less than three out of every four said that the most important factor were progression opportunities, showcasing just how important regular wages were thought of by survey respondents.

Meanwhile, more than 8 out of 10 British workers reported feeling more motivated to achieve at work if they had reassurances that their income would be stable and secure. An even higher 86 per cent reported that the loyalty they felt towards their employers or clients was just that much heightened if they were being paid handsomely for their time and skills – or at least decently, regularly, and on time.

So while I think this data is certainly interesting, it doesn’t seem entirely all that revelatory or groundbreaking. Of course people value steady pay; in this economy, with so much uncertainty on the horizon, it’s simply unwise to take risks when it comes to your opportunity to make a living! Nobody knows what the future holds after all, and it’s important to be as prepared as you can be by having enough dosh on hand just in case.


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